Nehemiah 11

Nehemiah 11

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nehemiah 11 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Nehemiah came up with a brilliant solution to repopulate Jerusalem with God’s people. Of all the people in the outer suburbs, 10% were to be “donated” to the city of Jerusalem. To be in that 10% was not considered a curse, but a blessing. This is because they would be instrumental in revitalizing God’s city of Jerusalem.

The people praised anyone else who volunteered to live in Jerusalem.

Nehemiah 11:2 GNB

Yes, it was an honor but it also came with a cost. It is a calling familiar to us as well.

Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.  28  “For which of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?

Luke 14:27-28 HCSB

These people knew there would probably be a certain degree of hardship and growing pains associated with moving into Jerusalem. In reality, those who volunteered to go back were possibly perceived as reckless by others in society. It just wasn’t considered a smart move. However, what mattered more to them was God’s bigger plan. They were willing to make an “unwise” decision in order to see God’s city rebuilt for future generations. What are we willing to endure or sacrifice for Kingdom moments to take place?

Very few (probably only Jesus) understood this better than the prophets of God. They were often told by Him exactly what was going to happen in their lives as well as the sacrifices that would need to make, and they continued onward despite. They were not focused on this life but the life to come. How many of us will do this today? As we look at our lives, do we see instances of self-sacrifice in order to see His Kingdom move forward? Are we part of that small percentage of believers?

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