Micah’s Messianic kingdom is nearly identical to Isaiah’s in chapter 2. It will be greater than all the earthly kingdoms with many different people from many different nations. It will grow by teaching the ways of God rather than war. They will “beat their swords into plowshares.” The kingdom will be birthed out of Jerusalem, filled with peace, and go on forever and ever.
This is an astonishing and unbelievable statement outside of faith. As long as humans have been alive they have plotted to destroy and control one another through war and conquest. In God’s kingdom, spiritual unity produces a will of peace.
“The time center of unity is not to be found in creeds or systems, but in the impulse of a common desire after God and common worship. When men have found their unity in God they will renounce war; and the home-life will become the preservative of society…”
F.B Meyer
What Micah really is describing are four freedoms of life with God.
Freedom from ignorance (He will teach us His ways)Freedom from war (Neither shall they learn war anymore)Freedom from want (everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree)Freedom from fear (no one shall make them afraid)
David Guzik
God will provide for us and tend to every need!
“Note how everything here is done by God; you keep on reading, “I will,” “I will, “I will.” Oh, those blessed “I wills” of God! Our wills are often defeated and disappointed, but God’s “I wills” stand fast for ever.”
Charles Spurgeon