Leviticus 27

Leviticus 27

Leviticus 27 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

The New International Commentary (Old Testament) gives a clear summary of this chapter…

The custom of making vows and tithing is simply assumed in the NT (see Ac 18:18; Act 21:23; Mat 23:23) as it is in Leviticus 27. But underlying these Levitical laws, we noted a concern that a man should keep his vows; he should not rashly promise to give something to God in the heat of the moment and then later, when he had cooled down, retract his promise. Changes of mind are penalized by a 20 percent surcharge on the vow. The NT is similarly concerned that men should keep their word: “Let your yes be yes and your no be no” (Mat 5:33-37; Mat 23:16-22; 2Co 1:17-20; Jas 5:12).

New International Commentary – Old Testament

It may seem strange but it is fitting that the book of Leviticus ends with vows. A person who truly follows God will keep good on their Word to follow Him and become a slave of Jesus Christ. This chapter is a small example of how the entire book of Leviticus emphasizes living a holy life. It is much more than just checking a few boxes.  It requires a total commitment to abiding in Jesus. As Chapter 27 states, it requires giving your life, your family, and your possessions completely over to Him.

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It certainly a great reminder to make our yes and no’s crystal clear and follow through with our choices, no matter the season we are in with the Lord.
Thank you for your insightfulness.

Your sister in Christ,
Gina Carle