With graphic detail, Jeremiah describes all the ways in which his people suffered during the Babylonian attack on Jerusalem. Those who survived the siege lived under horrific suffering. It was so bad, that women who used to be compassionate decided to boil their own children in order to eat. Even the Nazirites, godly people who specifically committed themselves to the Lord, were not exempt from the immense persecution.
At the end of this chapter, Jeremiah gives a warning to those who rejoice in suffering.
Laugh on, people of Edom and Uz; be glad while you can. Your disaster is coming too; you too will stagger naked in shame. 22 Zion has paid for her sin; the LORD will not keep us in exile any longer. But Edom, the LORD will punish you; he will expose your guilty acts.
Lamentations 4:21-22 GNB
Edom was home to the people of Esau. God foretold that Israel would be stronger than Edom and even gave a prophecy to Rebekah that the older child (Esau) would serve the younger (Jacob). As you look through the history of Edom, they were continually dedicated to idol worship, harbored hatred toward Israel, and slowly disappeared from history just as God had predicted.
The people of Edom were disappointing on many levels in how they chose to live. Their constant mockery and jealousy of Israel did not go unpunished. However, the warning Jeremiah gives to Edom is one we should take to heart as well. Though it’s natural for us to gloat over our enemies when we believe they deserve every bit of what they get, it’s still wrong.
All throughout Scripture, the type of love God commands of us should not rejoice with iniquity but should rejoice in truth. Rejoicing in truth means that, like Jesus, we pray for those who persecute us. Though they may see the wrath of God, our hope for them should be that they would turn from evil to repentance.