Samson’s story is a difficult one to nail down. On one hand, we see him as an impulsive, selfish brute. On the other, it seems that he was used by God to lure in the Philistines.
However, his father and mother did not know that it was of the LORD, for He was seeking an occasion against the Philistines. Now at that time the Philistines were ruling over Israel.
Judges 14:4 NASB
It seems as if the Lord was seeking a confrontation with the Philistines, and Samson fit the bill. We are given no indication that Samson or his parents are privy to this knowledge. To them, it is as simple as it sounds. “I want that woman, so get her for me.”
However, God knew Samson’s temperament and character so it would seem that He would use this occasion as an opportunity. Something had to give with the Israelite-Philistine relations, and this would be just the event to do it.
Another interesting theme from this chapter is how the Spirit “rushes” upon Samson. Unlike the other judges which the Spirit “came upon” (Gideon, Jephthah), Samson’s encounter seems much more powerful and dramatic. This description is given twice in this chapter and once in Judges 15. Not only that, but he uses no weapons when he battles the lion. He tears it in two pieces with his bare hands. It’s almost too insane to believe. Once the Spirit rushes him, he turns into some kind of wild beast! It reminds me a little of the story of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4.
Samson’s parents are becoming marginalized, but Samson himself is harnessed by God. Though his parents were his connection and accountability to the Nazirite vow, he would slowly begin distancing himself from their watchful eye. This lion encounter is the beginning of that marginalization. Somehow, even though they are traveling together, Samson manages to kill this lion when they aren’t around, and, to our knowledge, he never tells them about it.
To me, it is a powerful analogy of God’s sovereignty. He had tagged Samson as the vessel he would use for Israel’s benefit. Yes, there would be consequences for Samson’s choices, but the Lord would continue to steer him for His glory. In many ways, it’s absolutely mind-boggling.