In Joshua 21, the Levite family heads approached the leaders of Israel to claim the cities and pasturelands God had promised through Moses. The Israelites, following God’s command, allotted 48 cities with surrounding pasturelands to the Levites, divided among their clans: the Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites. Several of these cities were designated as cities of refuge.
This chapter concludes with the affirmation of God’s faithfulness—He fulfilled every promise made to Israel, giving them the land, rest from their enemies, and victory on every side. Not a single word of His promises failed; everything came to pass.
“None of the good promises the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed. Everything was fulfilled.”
Joshua 21:45 CSB
God’s faithfulness shines brilliantly in Joshua 21. Verse 45 encapsulates the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel, including the division of the land and providing the Levites with cities. Despite obstacles and self-inflicted setbacks by the Israelites, God remained true to His word, turning what seemed impossible into reality.
The journey wasn’t without its challenges. Israel’s faith wavered under Moses, and they faced battles under Joshua, but God proved steadfast. This statement of His faithfulness wasn’t instantaneous – it took years to come to fruition. Read that again. His promises took time. Israel had a lot to learn both about God and themselves.
We often struggle with impatience, expecting immediate answers to prayers and fulfillment of promises. Yet, God’s timetable is vastly different from ours. Sometimes, He is preparing others involved in His plan or developing our faith. His delays often serve a purpose: stretching us, deepening our trust, and anchoring our dependence on Him.
If you find yourself wandering in a desert, standing at the edge of your Jordan River, or battling in a war that feels overwhelming – hold tightly to this truth: God will fulfill His promises. He will bring to pass all He has said. Trust Him in the waiting, for His faithfulness never fails.
Let’s take a look back and review some of these great promises.
Despite Israel’s unfaithfulness, God was faithful. Consider the power in that statement. Even though we don’t do what He requires of us, He is true to His Word. Which is greater – your love for God or His love for you? It is because of that faithfulness that we are able to receive the power of obedience. Obedience is formed after years of watching God do exactly what He said He would. Not only that, these promises are not external to our best interests. They are personal promises spoken over humans.
Why? Because He loves us.
And herein lies an incredible diamond in the rough: our obedience is not the mechanical performance of a dog for its master, but the tender rhythm of a passionate love story.
It is the wayward son, weary and broken, squandering his inheritance in a distant land, only to find the Father running to meet him with open arms, a robe of grace, and a ring of restoration. It is the unfaithful bride, chasing fleeting affections, yet pursued and redeemed by her devoted husband, a covenant unbroken by betrayal.
It is the prophet trembling in fear, hiding in the wilderness, and hearing the gentle whisper of God’s voice calling him back to his purpose. It is Israel, trapped at the edge of the Red Sea, watching as the waters part and deliverance comes through impossible means.
It is Peter sinking beneath the waves of doubt, rescued by the swift hand of Christ. This obedience is not born of duty but of devotion, not performance but passion. It is the song of a heart redeemed and the dance of a soul set free, a love story where grace is the ink and joy is the melody.
God is faithful and He loves you. His promises are guaranteed. Live in those promises today!
“In the light of the Cross, is it not true that the enemy has no right to dwell in the land? Is it not true that Satan’s claim to your life was taken from him at Calvary? Is it not true that sin has no right to a foothold in the life of the child of God? Is it not true that Satan has no power in the presence of Omnipotence?
Is it not true that by virtue of His blood and His resurrection, Jesus Christ is pledged to destroy the enemy utterly? Is it not true that in the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit there is strength for every temptation, grace for every trial, power to overcome every difficulty?”
Alan Redpath