Categories: Jonah

Jonah 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jonah 1 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Nineveh was both a great and wicked city. It was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and the Assyrians had a reputation for being extremely cruel. It was quite possibly the largest city in the ancient world. The book of Jonah tells us it was a 3-day journey (Jon 3:3) just to get from one side of the city to the other. Historians believe it may have been up to 60 miles in diameter when factoring in the greater metropolitan area. This fact alone is astonishing.

A comparable modern-day city might be Las Vegas, Nevada. It is, of course, nicknamed “Sin City” but it is also considered to be “great” with its amazing man-made structures and its buzzing, energetic nightlife. Imagine being called to a city like Vegas in order to proclaim a message of God’s judgment. Imagine going through the city, casino after casino, pleading with the people to repent of their sin.

This was Jonah’s task. It would not be a cakewalk. Nineveh was an absolute reflection of the people who lived there.

“…they would desecrate the bodies of the victims of war, impelling them, maiming them, cutting off the ears of their prisoners, or cutting off the noses of the prisoners, or pulling out the tongues of the prisoners. They were horribly cruel inflicting grotesque type of maiming processes upon the prisoners of war that they would take. History tells us that there were cities that when surrounded by the Assyrian army and doomed to fall that the inhabitants of the cities would all commit suicide.”

Chuck Smith

After knowing this, you can begin to understand Jonah’s reluctance to go. It’s likely that he also didn’t want the Assyrians to receive God’s forgiveness.

“It is easy to discuss Jonah’s reasons for not doing what God told him to do, but what is our reason? God told Jonah to go and to preach; every Christian has the same command in Mat 28:19-20. With Jonah’s example before us, we have even less reason than Jonah for our disobedience.”

David Guzik

This is a sobering reminder. It’s easy for us to question why Jonah didn’t obey because we know the outcome in the end.

The fear that stops Christians from accomplishing great works through faith is often rooted in a “what-if” scenario.

There is no doubt that whatever reason drove Jonah to flee from his responsibility to preach was birthed out of a “what-if” thought. What if I look like a fool? What if they mock me or torture me? What if I am killed? We entertain the same thoughts today because they are inevitable. Throughout history, every Christian who has followed after Jesus has unquestionably suffered the same fearful attitude at one point or another in their lifetime.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  7  And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 HCSB

Sometimes we read verses like this and think we will never be able to achieve such a standard. But the truth of the Scripture does not call us to perfection. It calls us to grow. So today, instead of complaining or fearing, remember these words. Remember Jonah and his story. As the Holy Spirit to strengthen you. Actively meditate on the Scripture and see how it changes your perspective on your life this day.

Published by
Living Hope Missionary Church

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