John 12 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
Here in John 12, we are once again drawn to how Jesus’ words and actions were in complete obedience to God and how He functioned as an extension of His Father in Heaven.
- We read that God’s voice is heard audibly responding to Jesus for the third time in His ministry (baptism, transfiguration, and here in John 12)
- We read that Jesus’ actions on Earth caused people to either believe or not believe and God cooperated with their decision by blessing them or hardening them
- Jesus’ authority was validated by His complete obedience to God
The reason this is important is because Jesus drew exclusive lines. An exclusive Jesus is not what the world wanted to hear then, and it’s not what the world wants to hear now. Many people today believe in God as a higher power. Many people uphold His truth and love. Many will stand for principles of forgiveness, hope, mercy, and justice. But once you invoke Jesus into the conversation, that’s when things become very uncomfortable.
There is a reason why people love to talk about God but don’t love to talk about Jesus. James makes it crystal clear.
Do you believe that there is only one God? Good! The demons also believe—and tremble with fear.
James 2:19 GNB
John 12 tells us that there were people who believed in Jesus, but they were not living an unashamed lifestyle. They cared more about the approval of man than the approval of God. They were no different from the people today who say they believe in God and His attributes but will not make exclusive claims to follow Jesus.
Nevertheless, many did believe in Him even among the rulers, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, so they would not be banned from the synagogue. 43 For they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
John 12:42-43 HCSB
I know people like this today. They want to keep their options open. They want to use Jesus when He’s convenient but do their own thing when He’s not. They put on a good show talking about God and all His attributes, but when push comes to shove, they don’t really want to live a life of submission to Jesus. This truth becomes obvious by their actions.
Why does this happen?
I believe it happens because Jesus left no room for misinterpretation. Generally speaking, God is mysterious and universal, so He can be more easily molded to an individual agenda. This is why you hear people use the phrase “God said…” in order to validate their claims. The term “God” means so many different things to so many different people that it has become universally accepted.
John’s gospel proves that Jesus was God in the flesh. He came to set things straight. He demonstrated His oneness with the Father and directly told all of humanity they cannot get to God except through Him. Think about that. Jesus is the only door to God the Father.
If anyone hears My words and doesn’t keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 The one who rejects Me and doesn’t accept My sayings has this as his judge: The word I have spoken will judge him on the last day.
John 12:47-48 HCSB