John 10

John 10

Reading Time: 4 minutes

John 10 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

The entire book of John has drawn us into the reality that Jesus is His own person, yet, is one with God. We have also witnessed the Jewish leaders trying to catch Jesus in a trap. In John 10, Jesus plainly states exactly what they have wanted from Him; He says He is God in the flesh.

“The Father and I are one.”

John 10:30 HCSB

In one sentence, Jesus confirms both thoughts. He and the Father are separate (Father and I), yet, they are one. This not only speaks to the immediate context of ancient times but it also refutes modern theories that Jesus was not fully divine or that He was not fully man. Some would argue Jesus only meant He was one in purpose or mission. But why would the Jews pick up stones intending to kill Him if He was only claiming to have the same purpose and mission as God? Their reaction helps us understand exactly what He was claiming.

Furthermore, Jesus asks them which of His works He is being stoned for and the religious leaders are crystal clear with their response; we are stoning you for being a man and claiming to be God!

Then, Jesus goes into a somewhat bizarre teaching about gods…

Jesus answered them, “Isn’t it written in your scripture, I said, you are gods?  35  If He called those whom the word of God came to ‘gods’—and the Scripture cannot be broken—  36  do you say, ‘You are blaspheming’ to the One the Father set apart and sent into the world, because I said: I am the Son of God?  37  If I am not doing My Father’s works, don’t believe Me.  38  But if I am doing them and you don’t believe Me, believe the works. This way you will know and understand that the Father is in Me and I in the Father.”

John 10:34-38 HCSB

It’s all about inconsistency and hypocrisy. In the OT, (Psalm 82, Exodus 21 & 22) God referred to judges as “gods.” This title was handed down because of the role they had and the authority which was given to them. Jesus is logically questioning why these religious leaders would accept these flawed men as “gods” but would reject Him as God even when His works far exceeded the judges and prophets of old.

Jesus challenges his enemies to consider His works. The Pharisees wanted to stone Jesus for His words without considering if His works were authentic. This again demonstrated that they did not know God, because if they did, they would recognize His works.

Even though Jesus’ words are true, He continually redirects the conversation to His actions.

  • Which of these works are you stoning me for?
  • If I am not doing my Father’s works, then don’t believe me.
  • If I am doing the works of My Father, and you don’t believe (what I say), then believe the works.

In other words, the heart of the issue is a lack of belief. John uses the word “believe” 99 times in His Gospel. To believe in something means it has been demonstrated in such a way that you are completely confident of it. Talk is cheap. We cannot merely believe based on words. Jesus’ logic naturally follows this truth; we also cannot condemn based only on words. Evaluate the fruit (the works) and then come to a decision. If there is good fruit, and we choose to condemn based on a lack of belief, we too will be given over to our pride just like the Pharisees.

Many of us are guilty of making a quick assessment of someone based on their words (or the words of someone else about them) rather than evaluating their fruit with our own eyes. I have been guilty of this on many occasions. Jesus’ interaction with the religious leaders is a sobering reminder for those of us who come with preconceived ideas and are quick to judge others based only on words.

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