I remember a story one time where I was in a counseling session with a pastor. We were discussing a personal issue that I was struggling with so much. I was kind of at a crossroads, to a certain degree, with some of my life decisions. I remember feeling out the direction of the conversation and where it was going with this pastor.
I actually don’t recall the specifics of the conversation, but I do remember that I didn’t like the direction it was headed. In fact, I knew what his response was going to be to my situation and I didn’t want to hear it. I just wasn’t ready. So when he asked if he could “weigh in” on my situation I promptly and firmly fired back, “No!”
Yes — the story Hank has written above was about me. I wasn’t ready to handle the truth. Actually, I wanted to complain to Hank and get validated in my feelings but I didn’t want him to dig any deeper than that. I just wanted to stay the same person. I’ve said this of Hank many times, and it remains true… I always respect that he asks if he can weigh in. He’s done it in my life, and he’s done it in counseling sessions I’ve been a part of. The question alone speaks volumes because it’s focused on the person and not on the counsel.
I left the meeting that day knowing that Hank cares very deeply about me. He cared enough about our relationship to wait until the right moment – led by the Holy Spirit – in order to voice his opinion.
This is exactly what we do not see from Job’s friends. In response, Job has fired back in the first four verses with thick sarcasm. He’s tired of their rigid, “know-it-all” theology. Job goes on during the rest of the chapter to write about how much he indeed knows about God’s power. He is not lacking in his understanding of it, as his friends would suggest.
I want us to take a moment and look at the fruit (or lack thereof) from Job’s friends. When you read Job’s response here in Chapter 26, what have they accomplished? He’s upset and sarcastic (probably angry as well). He is trying to defend and justify himself with his knowledge about God. In the end, it’s done nothing but cause division and tension. Truth is important, but it holds little strength without grace.
Think about your own life. Are you using discernment to direct your responses to others, or are you just throwing your words around loosely? These are tough thoughts to consider, but I can tell you from experience – it matters.