Job 12

Job 12

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Job 12 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Job comes out with some bold truth in addressing his friends. He seeks to point out that they do not have his best interest in mind.

The one who is at ease holds calamity in contempt and thinks it is prepared for those whose feet are slipping. In other words, “You have no troubles yourselves, but you are fine with kicking me while I’m down.”

Job 12:5 HCSB

In verse 6, Job moves into a “survival of the fittest” mentality.

You have no troubles, and yet you make fun of me; you hit someone who is about to fall. 6 But thieves and godless people live in peace, though their only god is their own strength. 7 Even birds and animals have much they could teach you; 8 ask the creatures of earth and sea for their wisdom. 9 All of them know that the LORD’s hand made them.

Job 12:5-9 GNB

This verse is also a direct shot at Zophar who had previously called Job a “wild donkey.” Basically, Job is saying, “Even the dumb animals know that God in control of all things.” Their instincts respond to the way that God governs the Earth.

In the animal world, the degree of earthly suffering usually lessens the higher up you go on the ladder for a particular species. The lion, for instance, is more secure than the ox. The vulture is more secure than the dove. Job notes this fact but points out that their security is provided by God and God alone. It’s not by our own power that we are safe and provided for, but by His.

Job still believes in God’s sovereignty. This is an interesting point considering Job’s physical and mental state. He continues to faithfully build on the absolute sovereignty of God. He is banking on it.

The apex predator may be least threatened and most comfortable, but often he is the least resilient. This is true in our spiritual experience because we know that suffering is purifying to the soul. It is the refining process that produces the strongest and most faithful followers. Not only that, but our greatest trials are often redemptive for those around us, just as Christ’s was. It’s easy to say, but very hard to see. This is why we can only view suffering in this light if we are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Job’s getting there, slowly but surely. God will never forget those who remain faithful.

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Hi ,

(Job 12 :10) states,’ln His hand is the soul of every living thing & the breath
of all mankind.’

It has been noted that only living creatures are not
subjected to God but non-
living things, too.

All listen to Him. He has given understanding & wisdom to non-living things,too.(Job 38 :36,41)

4 Verses about living creatures _:

!) ‘He teaches the beasts
of the earth & makes the birds wise.’ (Job 35:11)

!!),’The lions roar for their prey & seek their food
from God.'(Psalm 104:21)

!!!) God said to Elijah,”You may drink from the stream, & I have commanded raven
s to bring you food there”. 
(1 Kings 17:4)

‘!v) ‘The LORD spake unto the fish & it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.’
(Jonah 2 : 10)

7 Verses about non-living
things _:

1) ‘When God gets angry,
the earth & mountains
tremble. ‘(Psa.18:7 )

2)’The sea lifts its waves
on high.'(Habakkuk 3:10 )

3) ‘He rebukes the sea & makes it dry & dries up all the rivers.’The mountains
quake at him & the hills
melt & the earth is burned
at His presence, yea, the world & all that dwell therein.'( Nahum1:4-5)

4) ‘The Lord shifted the
wind to a very strong west wind which took up the locusts & drove them into the Red Sea; not one
locust was left in all the
territory of Egypt.’
(Exodus 10:19)

5)’ God causes the vapors
to ascend from the ends
of the earth.'(Psalm 135:7)

6)’ He says,O ye heavens,
be astonished & be horri
bly afraid & very desolate.’
( Jeremiah 2:12)

7) ‘He calls the waters of
the sea & pours them
upon the earth.'(Amos 5:8 )

For example,
!) ‘Moses stretched out his hand over the sea & the
Lord swept the sea back
by a strong east wind all night & turned the sea into dry land, so the waters
were divided. The sons of Israel went through.’
(Exodus 14:21-22)

!! )(Numbers 11:31) says,
‘There went forth a wind
from the Lord & it brought quail from the sea, & let them fall beside the camp, about a day’s journey on
this side & a day’s journey
on the other side, all
around the camp & about
two cubits deep on the surface of the ground.’

!!!) (Gen.81) states, ‘God remembered Noah all the beasts & all the cattle that were with him in the ark;
& God caused a wind to
pass over the earth, & the water subsided.’
