Have you ever been torn between sorrow and anger?
On one hand, we are incensed at the lack of spiritual depth in others’ lives. On the other hand, we grieve for the turmoil and disappointment that plagues their lives. Jeremiah lived this.
I wish my head were a well of water, and my eyes a fountain of tears, so that I could cry day and night for my people who have been killed. 2 I wish I had a place to stay in the desert where I could get away from my people. They are all unfaithful, a mob of traitors.
Jeremiah 9:1-2 GNB
I want to cry day and night for my people. I want to get away from my people. The ups and downs of spiritual disappointment can drive us insane. In many ways, it’s unending. If we are honest with ourselves, it’s healthy. Jeremiah would not have been upset or sad if he didn’t care. The fact that we are emotionally connected to people is a sign that we desire for them to find truth and peace. But what’s the point?
God is working. We get caught up in the day-to-day struggle of wanting things to be “perfect.” Meanwhile, God, who knows exactly what we need (as well as what others need) orchestrates these situations for his glory. There are times in my life I needed righteous anger to be bold. There have also been times I needed overwhelming sorrow to show compassion. Both have been used to draw others to Him and both have been used to draw me to Him.
This is the miracle of God’s character. He draws us using all kinds of situations and emotions. You may be at a place of anger or sorrow right now. What is the higher purpose of it? What is He showing you and how is He working in others?