Jeremiah 46

Jeremiah 46

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jeremiah 46 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Just as God promised, He outlines some of the details that will take place as Babylon prepares to destroy Egypt. It is proof of His justice and his power, as well as His grace and mercy. This was important for the people to hear. The consistency of God’s plan coming forth gives them hope and a renewed confidence that, in time, they will return to their land.

He has done this so many times over this chapter and the balance of each is a really practical analogy for our own relationship with him. When we stray, there are consequences. When we are overcome, He will protect. When we feel abandoned, He will rescue. When we are discouraged, He will always remind us of His promises to come.

The judgments that follow over the next 4-5 chapters will focus on a theme that is consistent with the entire book of Jeremiah.

1) The judgment of God is not unwarranted. Those who have read this far into Jeremiah already know the horrific rebellion of Judah. They rejected God’s counsel and His wisdom at every turn. They continued to delve further and further into their own sinful ways. They served false gods and turned from their Creator.

2) The wrath is not without remedy. God has a beautiful plan of restoration for His people. Though they deserved death, He allowed them to go into exile. He will now begin to show them exactly what He has in their future. Repentance is always available even in our darkest times.

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Hi ,

(Jeremiah 46: 10) states,
‘For this is the day of the
Lor d GOD of hosts, a day
of ven geance.’ And

(1Thessalo.5:1,2) states,
“’Now concerning the times
& the seasons, brothers,
you have no need to have anything written to you.’
For you know very well
that the day of the Lord
will come like a thief in
the night”.

‘Surely the Lord GOD revealeth his secret unto
his servants.'( Amos 3 :7)

( Mark 4 : 22) &
(Luke 8 :17) States,
‘For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was
anyhing kept secret.’

Following explanation is
about, when the day of the Lord & end of the world
will be.

Explanation _:
‘God created the heavens and the Earth in six days,& upon completion, rested
on the seventh day.’
(Genesis 2:1-2.)

The number seven, in the Bible symbolizes
completion or perfection.

‘He commanded to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. ‘( Deute. 5:12 )

lf we consider the verse,
(2 Peter 3.:8) which says,
‘With the Lord One day is
as a thousand years & a
thousand years as one day.’

For the Lord, the 7 days
will be 7,000 means
the year 7,000 will be the complete & perfect holy year.

The significance of No.7
is as follows :

Revelation denotes about
7 churches, 7 seals,7
trumpets, 7bowls,7
deacons chosen by the apostles, The 7 spirits of God, 7 feasts or Jewish holidays.Likewise :
7 x 10 (70) years of captivity(Jere. 25 :8_12)
Seven x 10 =70 Weeks
until God’s Everlasting Righteousness (Daniel 9)
&An angel’s number 777

7,000 yrs, will be as 6,000
+ 1,000 yrs.

These 1,000 yrs, means
The Millennium period.
The resting period,with
Jesus Christ, on this earth.
after the Great Tribulation.

After this complete period
of 7,000 yrs, there will be
the end of the age.

Now, the calculation about
6,000 yrs, & the remaining
period of the earth._:
ln (Luke 3:23-38),The full genealogy from Adam to Jesus is given. And it is total 76 clearly listed generations.

If each generation is of 30
yrs, then 76 ×30 = 2280 yrs. adding 2024 yrs. it will
be 4304 yrs. Thus,
6,000 yrs_ 4304 yrs, =
1696 yrs are remaining
for the Lords Day,to come.

After all, Jesus had given
the signs of the last days.
