Jeremiah 36 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about all the destruction that I intend to bring on them, they will turn from their evil ways. Then I will forgive their wickedness and their sins.”
Jeremiah 36:3 GNB
Anyone could argue that God knew what was going to happen to these people. He knew their hardened hearts. He knew for certain that the King would do what he did. In His sovereignty, He was outside of time, space and matter. So why would He do this? Why would He go to this measure if He knew the outcome?
Because He loves and longs for restoration. Because He would continue to extend His arm of mercy toward these hardhearted, belligerent people who were so hell-bent on doing what they wanted. Even with the enemy on the doorstep of their kingdom, they still wanted to do their own thing. They were content to burn the Word of God. He would still extend His arm of mercy and grace with the hopes of ‘perhaps’.
I would contend God still offers grace in this same way today. We are so determined to follow our own hearts and not listen, yet, He chases us anyway. Of course, we know that many times in the “perhaps” the lost are found. Jesus is in the business of raising the dead. What are the things He is asking of you? How do you respond to it? Perhaps your heart will hear His call and turn in obedience.