Every 7 years slaves were to be released. This had been an ordinance God had established hundreds of years before. As the people’s hearts became hardened, they failed to follow this law. They were in direct rebellion to the word of God.
Jeremiah spoke truth to King Zedekiah and he made a pronouncement that they must do as God said and release their slaves. The people gathered and repented of this oversight and made a covenant to release the men and women.
Keep in mind, the Chaldean Armies were destroying the city itself. But, as an unknown time passed, hope began to dawn for the people. God saw their repentance and worked sovereignly. Egypt suddenly decided to stop Babylon from doing what they were doing and made a movement of war toward them. This lifted the siege as the Chaldeans stepped back and moved toward Egypt to take care of the situation.
With this short relief, what do you think the Hebrews do? They take these men and women back and enslave them again. God’s words were swift. Their own freedom would be stripped due to their breaking the covenant made.
It makes me think of how so many times people get their back against a wall and they make promises to God. And yes, many times God uses some pretty horrific situations to bring people to a place of repentance and reliance on Him. But all too often, when the situation is dealt with or goes away, so does our commitment.
God, in His mercy, always extends grace. And yet, the fickleness of our own hearts far too often go back on our promises once the threat is gone. Repentance and turning around our life is more than just becoming emotional. It is a true change of heart that involves stepping forward in obedience.