Jeremiah 25

Jeremiah 25

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jeremiah 25 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

The warnings of God to the people were constant. Most of these chapters seem to say the same thing over and over again. It’s easy to skim past and overlook it as it often feels like overkill. It’s hard at times to find something that is different.

However, this is what we know with certainty. Jeremiah is a burdened man. He’s in a role with a voice of God he did not choose. God chose him to speak truth against the horrible culture he lived within. God would strengthen him continually as the burden would not subside.

The important part of this burden is the message being given continually to the people. God had a constant message for them, not only through Jeremiah, but other prophets as well. These messages did not cease. As their ears became dull to the words of God, He still had His words of repentance delivered. Their faults were continually made plain as they were asked to turn and repent. But these messages also had a silver lining. They were assured that if they did so, God’s mercies would be enjoyed.

God still is calling us to do the same. He’s still using all things to speak into our lives and challenge us beyond the complacency we’ve fallen into. His Holy Spirit continues to work in our mind and speak to our lives of where God is saying, “Turn back to me.” And much like the audience of Jeremiah, we must ask, have our own ears become dull to the continual call? Have we settled into our own ways?

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