We who know Christ understand that the Gospel message is not a one of mystery and mysticism. Yes, some may claim this because our God is a mysterious God, however, the sending of His Son could not have been more clear. To rebellious people like us, He sent His Son with power, authority, and a healing touch. Jesus came, not only with all this, but with a message. It was a message that was so powerful He gave His life for it.
Although the Gospel has many layers, it is simple and clear. It does not require hidden knowledge. It does not require rituals or magical revelation. God spoke as clearly and directly as He possibly could. The author of Isaiah penned these words to us thousands of years ago.
Approach Me and listen to this. From the beginning I have not spoken in secret; from the time anything existed, I was there.” And now the Lord GOD has sent me and His Spirit.
Isaiah 48:16 HCSB
God desires intimate involvement in human affairs. He asks us to approach Him and listen. In this way, His presence in our lives is easily verifiable to both Christians and non-Christians alike. He called us to His will, sent His Son with a message, and then sacrificed so that we could accomplish His will.
Read this point and let it sink in. When Jesus Christ came to Earth to set us free from our sin, it was not some shockingly new revelation that had been hidden for centuries. God spoke about Him since the beginning of creation. Jesus was the logical conclusion to all that God had been doing with Israel throughout their history. The reason we come near is because God is easily understood and what He says will come true. Period. It always has and always will.
Do you marvel at the fact that a God so far above us would seek to be involved so intimately in our lives? If you doubt this fact, then look at the cross. All we need to do is look to Jesus for the heart of God. Approach me and listen.
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