Genesis 46

Genesis 46

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Genesis 46 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Genesis 46 contains an ancient treasure documented only four times in all of Genesis. It is a simple but powerful phrase God would use to draw His people into total obedience.

Do. Not. Fear.

Then he said, “I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation.

Genesis 46:3 ESV

I am God. Do not fear. Simple, yet, powerful. Why are we so quick to forget this truth?

But there is more. God doesn’t just acknowledge His deity over the situation and our stumbling block of fear. He also addresses the catalyst of the fear (going to Egypt) and the promise that will follow (making Israel a great nation). There are, in reality, four different parts found in this one verse.

I pause to consider the personal nature of God. He is not as some would think. He knows exactly what keeps us from obedience. He reminds us of who He is in relationship to us. He calls out the irrational fear that we have by name, and finally, He promises to uphold us and deliver us with His promises. He knows exactly when we need to hear it, and exactly what it will take to get us there. He gives those who seek Him everything they need.

This is a simple reminder for us today that the fears we entertain which hold us back from God will not go unnoticed. He is there in your struggle wooing you with His identity, His power, and His promises. When we hide His Word in our hearts, we can face the challenges of this life knowing that there is nothing that can overcome Him.

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