Genesis 24 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
Consider the picture we get of Christ’s relationship with the church from Isaac and Rebekah…
Just like Rebekah was chosen before marriage, believers in the body are part of God’s chosen people. Just like Rebekah was told of Isaac’s wishes through his servant, we were told about Christ at some point in our lives by one of His servants. Just like Rebekah was asked to leave behind everything to go marry Isaac, we too have been called to leave behind our former lives to follow Christ. Just like Rebekah would be loved and protected by her husband Isaac, we too are loved and protected by Christ.
Just like Isaac was promised to Abraham and Sarah before his birth, Jesus was promised to Mary and Joseph. Isaac’s conception and birth were miraculous just as Jesus’ was. Both were given a name before their birth. Both were sacrificed (or in Isaac’s case, attempted to be sacrificed) by their father. Both carried wood upon their back on the way to their sacrifice. Isaac prepared a place for his new bride just as Christ has prepared a place for his church.
There are probably many more similarities, but you get the point. Years before Jesus would walk among us, God’s heart was consistently foreshadowing His plan. It is incredible to consider how God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.