Ezra 4

Ezra 4

Ezra 4 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

“It is what it is.”

We hear this phrase spoken all the time. In some cases, it’s definitely true. In others, however, it almost seems like a rationalization. We all do it. Most times it’s just easier to be indifferent to a situation and throw up your hands in helplessness. The Bible, however, would tell us otherwise. In fact, the Bible continually illustrates that when we face trials and setbacks, we are to patiently endure and continue to grow. Convicting, but true.

Take Daniel, for instance. He was sent into exile and never was able to see Israel again. He endured under kings and leaders who didn’t share his zeal for God. But what did he do? Shrug his shoulders? “It is what it is.”

I guess my real question is, do you stay there, or do you move forward?

Daniel refused to stay there. He stuck to the vision. He pursued the Lord. He never stopped opening his window and praying to his King.

In Ezra 4, the people face opposition when trying to complete the temple rebuild. It seems from reading this chapter that there wasn’t much they could do about it. Let’s see the same story from a different perspective…

“Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘This people says, “The time has not come, even the time for the house of the LORD to be rebuilt.”‘”  3  Then the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, saying,  4  “Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses while this house lies desolate?”  5  Now therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts, “Consider your ways!

Haggai 1:2-5 NASB

It sounds to me like this phrase, “The time has not come…” became an excuse for the people. We can conclude from this text that they became complacent and comfortable as soon as opposition struck. They were concerned with their own belongings over building a house for the Lord. Notice that when God addresses them, he calls them “this people,” and not “My people.” They were not invested in the ways of God.

Where does this hit you today? When we look at the life of Daniel, I wholeheartedly believe that even though he faced struggles and obstacles, he believed God was growing him and using him within those circumstances. I believe that today, we must ask ourselves, “How can I grow in perseverance to be more like Christ in this situation?”

We may always toss out an occasional, “It is what it is,” but the real question becomes, will you go back and “hide” in your own house, or will you step out and pursue the dream that the Lord commanded? At the very least, will you believe there is something more and hit your knees in prayer? Consider your ways.

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