Ezekiel 8 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
The people thought that because the temple was located in Jerusalem, their shameful acts of sin were covered. They really believed that the temple guaranteed their security. In reality, their acts had caused God to leave the temple! This is an incredibly sobering thought!
How many of us approach God without reverence in our daily lives? How many of us believe that because of grace we can do whatever we want with no self-control? How many of us act holy and upright when around church people but completely let our guard down when we want to enjoy life?
We are the temple of God. Our bodies are where the presence of the Holy Spirit resides. Even Paul in the NT criticizes those who use grace as a means to sin.
What shall we say, then? Should we continue to live in sin so that God’s grace will increase? 2 Certainly not! We have died to sin—how then can we go on living in it? 3 For surely you know that when we were baptized into union with Christ Jesus, we were baptized into union with his death. 4 By our baptism, then, we were buried with him and shared his death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from death by the glorious power of the Father, so also we might live a new life.
Romans 6:1-4 GNB
We should be living a new life and this is convicting. What are others seeing in your life? Are you living a double life? Is there evidence of sanctification taking place with your actions or are you playing God? This is a serious issue that goes on even today among the church. Though we will never be perfect, there is a big difference between stagnant, lukewarm Christianity and actively living our faith through the joy of the Lord. How does this apply to your life and what are you doing to do about it?