Ezekiel 7

Ezekiel 7

Ezekiel 7 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

The Babylonians invaded Judah twice but the people could not comprehend the severity of the destruction. It’s like they could not connect the dots. They couldn’t see the connection between their sin and the oncoming judgment by their enemies. This is where Ezekiel comes in.

For about 20 years, Ezekiel consistently spelled out the cost of sin and the coming wrath of God. It was not pretty. By and large, the people remained stubborn and willful in their sinning. It’s hard to believe. As I thought about this section this morning, the statement of “You will know that I am God” resonated from previous chapters.

The God of grace and truth delivers both. However, at the final judgment, we will either know His wrath or His grace. Both of these characteristics of God will reveal that He is indeed Lord over all. It is ultimately a question of wills. Do we willfully continue in our disobedience or do we accept grace as a means to repent and change?

Some may argue that we are all sinners regardless of if we believe or not. Sinning is always a willful choice. Though it is true, as Christians, there is quite a large difference between consistent, calloused disobedience and struggling through conviction and repentance. We are either moving towards grace or we are moving towards wrath. Just like the people of Judah, we all will know that He is Lord. The question is, will we know grace through Jesus or will He turn to us and say, “I never knew you?”

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