The visual created by this chapter draws special interest. From a bird’s-eye view, the design of the temple itself had many layers with different levels of holiness. Inside was the holy of holies where the presence of God dwelled. The next layer (north and south chambers) was open to the priests who had access to God. The third layer, which was within the inner gates, was reserved for the Levites. The outer court, where lay worshippers would gather, would be the fourth layer. Metaphorically, the fifth, sixth and seventh layers are the temple mount, the city and the rest of the world.
There is something very interesting about this idea. Each exclusive layer is based on verticality, meaning, the degree of closeness to God. This plays out both in their physical presence but also in their spiritual commitment. There are boundaries that go from completely profane (the world) to completely holy (the presence of God) and every layer in between.
And this hierarchy is much the same today. There are people scattered all over the map who are wholly committed to God or completely hostile. The major difference today is that the veil has been torn which housed the presence of God. Now, there is no geographical or nationalistic boundary that separates anyone from entering into the holy of holies with the Lord Himself. There is no title or status required. Our high priest Jesus has entered into the temple, not with the blood from lambs or bulls, but with His own perfect blood which allows for everyone to experience His presence for eternity. This is both an amazing and incomprehensible truth!