Exodus 37 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
Let’s take a moment to briefly summarize what makes this chapter so fruitful. We have the Holy Spirit, working among the people, filling them with gifts to craft together the elements that God had envisioned. We have the Holy Spirit prompting those with resources to fuel the necessary ingredients to produce the final work. We also have the hearts of the people who are stirred by the Spirit and respond in responsible obedience.
There is a lot working in these last two chapters that reiterate the power of spiritual renewal and the effectiveness of responsible obedience. Everything that God had commanded was accomplished. It goes to show that when we respond to the Spirit’s prompting, we cannot fail. As Jesus Himself said, “apart from me you can do nothing.” Nothing.
By no means does this put the emphasis on human behavior. In fact, as the people failed at nothing, they also added nothing. All that took place was to the glory of God and the prompting it through His Spirit. We, as those people who succeed today, should be careful not to step back and admire “our work” instead of giving credit where it is due – to the Lord’s Spirit which testifies to the truth of Christ. He used the people, and they were obedient, but it was all impossible without the Creator. The source of our strength – our Salvation – is only possible because of Jesus Christ.
Do you struggle with this aspect of pride? Are you distracted by your own successes that blind you to the real source of the glory? If we are honest, we’ve all done it. The prayer is to be like the people of this chapter and respond in obedience. If this is you, then in His strength, turn around, and change.