Exodus 29 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
From the beginning we get a glimpse of God’s design for sacrifice. Consecration. This word was translated ‘hallow’ and meant distinct, holy, and set aside for God’s purposes. Most of us probably think of the Lord’s Prayer and the familiar phrase “hallowed by thy name…”
We serve a holy God who desires for us to also be holy. This is not a topic that’s preached about often enough, because it’s typically considered “old religion.” Even the word ‘holy’ is not a word we use in everyday language. It is, for the most part, considered an outdated term. All this doesn’t change the fact that it’s in Scripture. Modern Christianity may not like to talk about being holy, but it’s a necessary indicator of a true believer.
Aaron was to be set apart for his priestly duty through a sacrifice. Notice, the sacrifice is not an excuse to rid yourself of a sick or diseased animal. Even the sacrifice itself must have no blemish. God’s system of sacrifice desired complete surrendering of the best animal. Through this, true motives are revealed. Those who give the best show faith, thanksgiving, and confidence in God’s way. Those who hold back reveal a selfish heart.
The ultimate sacrifice for us – Jesus Christ – was given freely by God and was the perfect sacrifice. He was without blemish, and was given so that we could be set apart, distinct, and holy. We must ask ourselves, what sacrifice are we laying on the altar? Is it the best of us?… Everything? Or, is it just what we don’t like about ourselves? It makes sense to give up addictions, anger problems, and lustful desires to God, but what about our dreams, goals and future plans?
What about our talents and time? What about the aspects of life we consider the very best of the best? We must consider what kind of sacrifice we are bringing to the One who sacrificed everything for us. The world would tell you to never sacrifice your happiness for anything. Jesus calls us to a life where happiness takes a back seat to sacrifice.