Though a stillborn child does not see the sun and is not conscious, it has more rest than he. 6 And if he lives a thousand years twice, but does not experience happiness, do not both go to the same place? 7 All man’s labor is for his stomach, yet the appetite is never satisfied.
Ecclesiastes 6:5-7 HCSB
This life cannot satisfy without purpose. And, purpose cannot come without obedience. Obedience can never happen without justification before God. So, in a roundabout way, Jesus knocks over the first domino which eventually leads to forgiveness, obedience, and purpose.
In verse 7, the Hebrew word for “soul” can also be translated as appetite. If we read this verse using the word soul, it becomes a powerful metaphor for how we live our lives. “All man’s labor is for his stomach, yet the soul is never satisfied. The hunger that burns deep within cannot be satisfied merely by food. The feeling is short-lived. It takes something much more, found only in Jesus, in order to truly bring purpose and satisfaction to the deepest part of our being.