Ecclesiastes 5 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
Fear God.
Not exactly a popular message these days. You don’t hear many sermons on the fear of God or what that even means. So, what does it actually mean to fear God?
Solomon gives a list of practicals.
Don’t Go Through The MotionsBe careful about going to the Temple. It is better to go there to learn than to offer sacrifices like foolish people who don’t know right from wrong.
Think Before You SpeakDon’t make any rash promises to God. He is in heaven and you are on earth, so don’t say any more than you have to.
Do Not WorryThe more you worry, the more likely you are to have bad dreams, and the more you talk, the more likely you are to say something foolish.
Stay True To Your WordSo when you make a promise to God, keep it as quickly as possible. He has no use for a fool. Do what you promise to do.
In a very practical way, fearing God means responding in obedience to Him. The process that we call “fearing God” does not end after we speak words to Him. Words are cheap. The process doesn’t end after we do something good for Him. Our works are like filthy rags. Holistically, when we fear God, we obey Him. We accept grace and turn from sin. We persist in our relationship because He is our God who has done great and amazing works before us!