Numbers 30 - Keep in mind that ancient vows could be both positive and negative. They may be to motivate us to perform in some way (positively) or to abstain from certain things (negatively). A great example ...

Numbers 29 - The feasts we read here are the fall feasts. Many people believe that these speak toward prophecies yet to be fulfilled by Jesus. Feast of the Trumpets - This is the first of the ...

Numbers 28 - God was teaching the Israelites what it meant to have a heart full of love for Him. This fact has not changed today. Following and loving God means we bring a sacrificial heart of ...

Numbers 27 - Don't gloss over this chapter too quickly or you will miss a moment that is very rare in our current society today. As we know, Moses was not going to be allowed to enter ...

Numbers 26 - The census here marks a turning point in Israel's history. The first generation that was delivered from Egypt and complained continually has now been destroyed by the plague. In fact, just like God had ...

Numbers 25 - The Bible was not written to convince us that we are good, but rather, to illustrate that God is good despite how much we fail. This is clearly seen in the book of Numbers. ...

Numbers 24 - To me, the most striking verse in this chapter begins with verse 1. When Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did not go as at other times to seek ...

Numbers 23 - This chapter reminds me of an encounter Elijah had with the prophets of Baal when they were seeking help from their "god." They took the bull that was brought to them, prepared it, and ...

Numbers 22 - In 1967, archeaologists uncovered an inscription dating back to the eighth-century B.C. in the city of Jordan (modern-day Moab). The inscription was a story which revealed visions of seer who channeled information from dead ...

Numbers 21 - Take a moment and think about the times in your life that you've been sorry about something. What was it that ultimately brought you to that moment of humility? Was it just because you ...

Numbers 20 - So... do you want the bad news or the worse news? Well, the bad news is that in Numbers 20 we, unfortunately, witness a sobering truth - complaining and unbelief go hand-in-hand. Where you ...

Numbers 19 - It's a tricky task to explain the uncleanliness laws in our modern context. On one hand, being ritually unclean mirrored our fallen sin condition. Being human, we inevitably find ourselves stained with sin and ...

Numbers 18 - As mentioned in previous chapters, the Levites were given special authority and privileges among the spiritual duties assigned by God. However, they were not given the same authority as priests. This is the main ...

Numbers 17 - But the LORD said to Moses, "Put back the rod of Aaron before the testimony to be kept as a sign against the rebels, that you may put an end to their grumblings against ...

Numbers 16 - Numbers 16 is part of a much bigger picture of Moses' leadership of Israel. This rollercoaster of leading the Israelites toward the Promised Land had many twists and turns. If we go all the ...

Numbers 15 - Nestled in the middle of this chapter is a bizarre story for our modern society. A man is caught collecting sticks on the Sabbath and he is brought before Moses and Aaron. God commands ...

Numbers 14 - Jumping to conclusions. We do it all the time. I'm guilty of it, and so are you. Speculation can vary from discernment to intuition to an absolutely sinful attitude. In this chapter, we are ...

Numbers 13 - We finally arrive at the "meat and potatoes" of the book of Numbers. The Israelites were to scope out the Promised Land and give a full report back to Moses. In the beginning, everything ...

Numbers 12 - There are so many lessons in this chapter. When jealousy enters the heart, it often manifests a different form in words and behavior. This was most definitely the case with Miriam and Aaron. They ...

Numbers 11 - Moses needed help, and God responded. The Lord commanded the gathering of 70 men from the elders of Israel, and Moses began assembling his team. The word elder means "aged" or "old." Hebrew tradition ...

Numbers 10 - Then Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, "We are setting out to the place of which the LORD said, 'I will give it to you'; come with us ...

Numbers 9 - What an amazing scene! Now on the day that the tabernacle was erected the cloud covered the tabernacle, the tent of the testimony, and in the evening it was like the appearance of fire ...

Numbers 8 - The cleansing of the Levites was an important step in helping the people understand and respond accordingly to God's holiness. The acts described were symbols of spiritual cleansing. For example, shaving their bodies would ...

Numbers 7 - This chapter is a bit repetitive and long. OK, let's just be honest - it's boring. Each of the leaders from the 12 tribes brought a gift to the altar to present to the Lord. ...

Numbers 6 - People are probably surprised to learn that this famous prayer of blessing comes from the book of Numbers. The LORD bless you, and keep you; 25 The LORD make His face shine on you, ...

Numbers 5 - The ceremony (Num 5:11-31) which was developed as a means to test someone suspected of adultery is very strange in our modern context. God instructed a specific way to handle these affairs because He ...

Numbers 4 - Numbers 1 dealt with numbering the tribes. Numbers 2 was all about the ordering of the camps. Numbers 3 introduced us to the duties of the priests and Levites. Now, in Numbers 4, it ...

Numbers 3 - We understand the substitutionary atonement of Jesus very well. He died so that we could live. Here in Numbers 3, we find that God was consistent with this theme of substitution dating back to ...

Numbers 2 - You really need a visual for Numbers 2. It describes the arrangement of the camps around the tabernacle. There were three tribes on each of the four sides of the tabernacle and there were ...

Numbers 1 - Lists of names... census figures... what is this all about? The Book of Numbers takes place just before the Israelites are led into the Promised Land. It records the awkward in-between moments where they ...

Luke 24 Commentary by Brad Boyles Then he said to them, "These are the very things I told you about while I was still with you: everything written about me in the Law of Moses, the writings of the prophets, ...

Luke 23 Commentary by Brad Boyles He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, So He ...

Luke 22 Commentary by Brad Boyles A hotly debated topic from Luke 22 is the notorious "two swords" passage. A brief study of the passage will give you many differing perspectives. Let's look at the verses, and then the overall ...

Luke 21 - Some speculate Jesus' warnings were to be interpreted for the people of that time and others speculate they are future events. We know that the apostles would suffer incredible persecution after Jesus resurrected and ...

Luke 20 - Some of the scribes answered and said, "Teacher, You have spoken well." 40 For they did not have courage to question Him any longer about anything. Luke 20:39-40 NASB The so-called “experts” of the ...

Luke 19 - In Chapter 19, Jesus tells the parable of the ten minas. A mina was 1/60 of a talent and would have come out to around 3 months of wages. Jesus goes to Jerusalem to ...

Luke 18 - Have you ever uttered these phrases? “Well, I’m not really that bad.” “I’m not as bad as _________.” “I’ve done ________ so I’m a pretty good person.” We’ve probably all muttered these phrases to ...

Luke 17 Commentary by Brad Boyles It is a common occurrence for people to be tripped up in this life. The word Jesus uses in verse 1 to describe a “stumbling block” is also used in many other places in ...

Luke 16 Commentary by Brad Boyles At the end of Luke 16, we read a fascinating story contrasting the rich man and Lazarus. Jesus does not start out this story as He does other parables. He also gives us the ...

Luke 15 Commentary by Brad Boyles What about the other son? What about the older "obedient" son? “Then he became angry and didn’t want to go in. So his father came out and pleaded with him. [29] But he replied ...

Luke 14 Commentary by Brad Boyles In Luke 14, Jesus visits a house of a chief Pharisee on the Sabbath. The text tells us that there is bread served. This could have meant there was actual bread there to be ...

Luke 13 - Jewish belief at the time would have proclaimed that all Jews, except notorious sinners like tax collectors and prostitutes, would inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the message that Jesus consistently articulated was offensive ...

Luke 12 - "I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! Luke 12:49 NASB Jesus would send fire upon in the Earth in a few ways. First, He ...

Luke 11 - Packed into three verses here in the middle of the chapter is an unbelievable amount of depth and theology. Many of us have heard or read these verses. "When the unclean spirit goes out ...

Luke 10 - The kingdom of God was sent out and manifest itself through the power of the 72 that Christ chose. What was their purpose? "Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is ...

Luke 9 Commentary by Brad Boyles Feeding of the 5,000 This sign/miracle of feeding the 5,000 is recorded in all 4 Gospels. Matthew 14:21 specifies 5,000 males, and further emphasizes the point by adding, “Besides women and children.” Many Bible ...

Luke 8 Commentary by Brad Boyles Starting in verse 26 we see an amazing story of casting out a legion of demons. The demons know who Jesus is, and are frightened by Him. And Jesus asked him, "What is your ...

Luke 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles We see a very powerful indicator of the faith that this centurion soldier had in the way he addressed Jesus. The Gentile calls him "Lord." Now Jesus started on His way with them; and ...

Luke 6 Commentary by Brad Boyles And Jesus said to them, "I ask you, is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or to destroy it?" 10 After looking around at ...

Luke 5 - But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. Luke 5:16 NASB On the heels of being with His Father in prayer, Jesus is strengthened and empowered for divine service. In ...

Luke 4 - The entire chapter here in Luke 4 captures the struggle for power and authority. Jesus' temptation, obviously, was Satan's attempt at derailing Jesus by appealing to His authority and power. Jesus resists, and His ...

Luke 3 - The way the Holy Spirit moved in order for Jesus Christ to come into this world is really fascinating. There are so many wonderful stories in Christ’s family tree. The interesting thing is, the ...

Luke 2 - Luke narrates the routine events that surrounded the arrival of Jesus in a way that presents the ordinary with the extraordinary. God is present in seemingly insignificant events. We see this when we read ...

Luke 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Who made the most significant contribution to the New Testament in terms of total verses? Most would say Paul or maybe even John, but those answers would be incorrect. Who was the only non-Jewish ...

Song of Solomon 8 Commentary by Brad Boyles As Hank has written, this chapter is the 1 Corinthians 13 of the Old Testament. In these verses, we find four essential qualities of love. It is unstoppable and inevitable within a ...

Song of Solomon 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles In today's culture, being liberated is often defined as being free from marriage. Many today would rather scrap the old marriage and move on to something new and exciting. But in Song ...

Song of Solomon 6 Commentary by Brad Boyles The theme of this chapter is most definitely reconciliation. As Hank has written, any successful marriage must involve lots of forgiveness. But there are several contextual questions I asked as I read ...

Song of Solomon 5 - As with any marriage, there is miscommunication. Hurt and conflict naturally follow. It is hard to understand if verse 2 is describing a dream or a real situation. On one hand, it ...

Song of Solomon 4 - If we study these chapters carefully we can see that there has been no mention of a wedding prior to chapter 3. In 3:11, (the last verse of chapter 3), we read ...

Song of Solomon 3 - The beautiful pageantry described in verses 6-11 really reflects on how Solomon was viewed during his powerful reign. He was obviously known for his wisdom as well as his wealth. But, Scripture ...

Song of Solomon 2 - The chapter begins as a young woman is excited by the arrival of her lover. He bounds onto the scene just as a swift deer or gazelle. He gazes at her and ...

Song of Solomon 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Just like the phrase "holy of holies" and "king of kings," Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) means "the loveliest of songs." Some Jewish scholars originally interpreted this book allegorically stating that ...

Ezekiel 48 - Some view the final chapters of Ezekiel as a literal prophecy to be fulfilled during the end times. This is definitely possible. However, I tend to lean more toward the immediate context for readers ...

Ezekiel 47 - If we read this chapter as a future prophecy of the end times, we get a picture of the amazing geographical changes that will occur in the middle east. The water becomes a source ...

Ezekiel 45 - Nelson's New Illustrated Commentary points out the emphasis of holiness in this chapter. There are specific details of what was expected by God in regards to being holy. Stop the use of violence and ...

Ezekiel 46 - First, this is a tough chapter to reconcile with our modernized Christian worldview. Second, there are many details that paint a clouded picture of what a fulfillment would look like. We can rest assured ...

Ezekiel 44 - "They shall enter My sanctuary; they shall come near to My table to minister to Me and keep My charge.' Ezekiel 44:16 NASB We must understand that every true believer is a saint and ...

Ezekiel 43 - In chapters 8-11 of Ezekiel, we find the presence of the Lord leaving the temple. This was symbolic of what was about to happen to the people as their protection was removed and they ...

Ezekiel 42 - The visual created by this chapter draws special interest. From a bird's-eye view, the design of the temple itself had many layers with different levels of holiness. Inside was the holy of holies where ...

Ezekiel 41 - The previous chapters of condemnation were hard to swallow. They were, however, necessary. Now, we have entered into the consolation section of this visionary prophet's writings. The people were no doubt weary from their ...

Ezekiel 40 - Ezekiel's ministry began with a vision of God. The last 9 chapters end with a vision for his people. This vision is one of reconciliation, protection, trust, and blessings. Throughout his book, Ezekiel has ...

Ezekiel 39 - Until the time that Jerusalem fell, the message of Ezekiel was negative and full of judgment. Now, God turns His attention towards hope. There would be a new spirit, new leadership, and a new ...

Ezekiel 38 - This chapter has gained a lot of attention in recent years as expositors have focused on the connection to modern-day events. Though some scholars are quick to label this chapter as apocalyptic, many are ...

Ezekiel 37 - The phrase, "I will be their God and they will be my people" is a familiar phrase. We read it here in Ezekiel as an analogy for how God will unify both Israel and ...

Ezekiel 36 - Verses 22-38 immediately drew my attention. The title over the section reads "I Will Put My Spirit Within You." We must remember that when we read this, it is God speaking to His people, ...

Ezekiel 35 - The land of Edom was just south of the Dead Sea. Located in Edom, we find Mount Seir. This would be the Edomites' stronghold as they were the people of Esau. Historically, the Edomites and ...

Ezekiel 34 - There are so many false teachers out there who twist the message of the Bible to have personal and selfish benefits. Muddled behind spiritual words is a subtle self-glorifying message. Ultimately, the concern is ...

Ezekiel 33 - The role of watchman that was given to Ezekiel is one of the most fascinating metaphors for a prophet. We first read it in Ezekiel in Chapter 3. "Son of man, I have appointed ...

Ezekiel 32 - There is really not much to say here other than what has been said over and over again over the last several chapters. The plain and simple truth is that God will judge righteously. ...

Ezekiel 31 - The cedars of Lebanon were highly esteemed as symbols of excellence and domination. They towered up to 80 feet in height and were thick with spreading branches. God says not even the trees of ...

Ezekiel 30 - The historical validity of this chapter is amazing. In verse 13-19, God speaks specifically to cities within Egypt and gives vivid details for what they will face. Is it ironic that one of the ...

Ezekiel 29 - God would make His punishment very personal for Egypt. Say that this is what the Sovereign LORD is telling the king of Egypt: I am your enemy, you monster crocodile, lying in the river. ...

Ezekiel 28 - This chapter raises a lot of questions. From where did Ezekiel derive his imagery used in this chapter? Was it from Genesis? Furthermore, who is the king of Tyre being compared to? It seems ...

Ezekiel 27 - What kind of future is in store for those who ferociously cling to their pride and arrogance? When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 Pride goes before ...

Ezekiel 26 - Tyre was attacked at least five different times until 332 BC. The reason none of these were fully successful is because of the unique design of the city. It consisted of the main city ...

Ezekiel 25 - It's easy to read the first 24 chapters of Ezekiel and think that God is only concerned with punishing His own people. This is not the case. He has demonstrated from the beginning of ...

Ezekiel 24 - Ministry is hard. And I don't just mean formal ministry positions. I really mean following Jesus is hard. There are so many days I feel like I've run for miles and traveled nowhere. Love ...

Ezekiel 23 - "Playing harlot" can generally refer to any type of sinful behavior. In this case, it would be idol worship and trust in foreign nations that would seal Judah's fate. Specifically, in verses 11-14, Ezekiel ...