Acts 8

Acts 8

Acts 8 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

It’s an awesome thing when the Holy Spirit begins to transform lives and show himself in amazing and unpredictable ways. The early church was on fire and the gasoline that was fueling it was the stoning of Stephen. Although the priests wished to quench the power of the Spirit, their actions were used by God to ignite the early church.

What I am drawn to here is the timing if how God works in an individual. We see people getting baptized before the Spirit is poured out among them. Oftentimes, we get in a rush to see someone transformed overnight. These men and women went through a process of receiving the Word, responding, being baptized, and then receiving the Spirit. And yes, it took time.

How often do we rush into Salvation with others trying to push them along with expectations that are unrealistic? As the discipleship process plays out, we must remind ourselves that God sometimes works in gradual and mysterious ways. But just like the Ethiopian, we must be ready for the next step in the process and not halt what the Spirit is doing in someone’s life.

The Ethiopian represents those people today who are religious, know the Scriptures, seek truth, and are open to learning about Jesus Christ. It is interesting to see how God began to lay the foundation with him through Isaiah. Isaiah 53:1-12 was the passage he was reading. If you look closely at this passage, it is a description of Jesus’ birth (verse 1-2), life and ministry (verse 3), sacrificial death (verses 4-9), and conquering resurrection (verse 10-12).

Although the Ethiopian had all the pieces to the puzzle, he still needed for Phillip to explain God’s plan for Salvation and how Jesus fulfilled it. Likewise, there are many today who have a framework and an open heart to know Christ. The question is, do we have time to sit down with them and explain the Scriptures? Do we know the Scriptures well enough to lead someone to truth? The Holy Spirit used Phillip, but there was obedience that was required!

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