2 Corinthians 11

2 Corinthians 11

2 Corinthians 11 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

“A story is told about a dinner party where the guests were expected to stand after the meal and recite something for the group. A famous actor was present, and he recited the twenty-third Psalm with great dramatic flair and emotion, and sat down to great applause. Then a very simple man got up and began to recite the same Psalm. He wasn’t very eloquent, so at first people thought it was a little funny. But his presentation was straight from his heart, so when he finished, the group sat in respectful silence. It was obvious that the simple man’s presentation was more powerful than the actors, and afterwards the actor told him: “I know the Psalm, but you know the Shepherd.””

David Guzik

The so-called super apostles did not preach to glorify God. They were all about personal gain and selfish ambition. They may have been polished and charismatic, but Paul points out that the true attributes of simplicity and humility are what’s required of Jesus’ followers.

Indeed, I consider that I am not in the least inferior to these super apostles.  6  Even if I am unskilled in speaking, I am not so in knowledge; indeed, in every way we have made this plain to you in all things.  7  Or did I commit a sin in humbling myself so that you might be exalted, because I preached God’s gospel to you free of charge?

2 Corinthians 11:5-7 ESV

The claim of these false apostles was not just a charge against Paul; it was a charge against Jesus.

It seemed these Corinthian followers were disgusted by weakness, persecution, humiliation, suffering, and death. They called Paul weak, poor in speech, and overall unimpressive. They most likely referred to themselves as super apostles. Not only were they deceived, but they were preaching a false Jesus!

Galatians 1:8 ESV  But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.

“Greek culture measured the importance of a teacher by the fee he could command. The false apostles therefore accused Paul of being a counterfeit, since he refused to charge for his services. They convinced the Corinthians to be offended by Paul’s refusal to accept support from them, offering this as evidence that he did not love them. Paul’s resort to manual labor to support himself also embarrassed the Corinthians, who felt such work to be beneath the dignity of an apostle.”

John MacArthur

This is all so crazy considering Paul was following the example of Jesus as best he could! The more shocking aspect is that this still happens today. While some Christians continue to chase bigger and better, we must remember that this is not the Gospel we first learned. Jesus was not about the show. In fact, He chased away people who wanted to use Him as a puppet for their own agenda. The sad part of this letter is that Paul had to waste so much ink on such a ridiculous topic, yet, the fact remains that the church still struggles with it today.

Those who are grounded by the Holy Spirit will recognize true believers by their humble actions and fruitful lives. We must remember the example that was set for us long ago.

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