Familiarity can often produce deadly results. It was Jesus who proclaimed he could do no miracles in his hometown because of their familiarity. It was familiarity that caused Jesus’ brothers to initially discard His Messianic power. Here in 2 Samuel 6, it is familiarity that causes a tragic and untimely death.
On the surface, it seems unfair. Why would God strike down Uzzah when he is just trying to stabilize the ark? If that were actually the question, I would agree. It seems a bit unfair and unloving. However, that type of response assumes a lot. Why did Uzzah have to try and grab the ark? Why was the ark being transported on a cart instead of being carried like God had originally commanded? What was the heart of Uzzah and the others who were helping David?
This happened just years before (1 Samuel 16) when the Lord said to Samuel, “I have rejected him, because I do not judge as people judge. They look at the outward appearance, but I look at the heart.” So, we must first come to terms with the fact that we do not always see things the way God sees them. In fact, we are often wrong in our initial judgment of a situation or person. You might think you are right most of the time, but just consider, God gently rebuked the prophet Samuel for his lapse in judgment. If the mouthpiece of God was prone to an incorrect assessment, I would say we are too.
I don’t know exactly why Uzzah was struck dead. Was it because he was irreverent? Probably. Was it because the entire plan was not done with the type of detail that the Lord commanded? Possibly. Was it done to show that God cares just as much about our reflexes and reactions as He does our planned out decisions? Maybe.
Overall, I tend to agree with Alexander MacLaren that this was an issue of familiarity.
“All his life Uzzah had been accustomed to its presence. It had been one of the familiar pieces of furniture in Abinadab’s house, and, no doubt, familiarity had had its usual effect. Do none of us ministers, teachers, and others, to whom the gospel and the worship and ordinances of the Church have been familiar from infancy, treat them in the same fashion?”
Alexander MacLaren
Familiarity leads to compromise which leads to sin. Eventually, we are down the road with a cart that God never asked for and a problem that should never have happened. And as we reach out to correct the holy aspects which are beginning to fall, the Lord strikes us with the big picture. God sees all. He knows the heart. He understands the process.
Do not let familiarity derail your reverence and awe of God the Father. The results are deadly.