Categories: 2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 9

Reading Time: 3 minutes

2 Chronicles 9 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Jesus actually spoke of this encounter between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. In Matthew 12 the teachers of the Law and Pharisees question Jesus’ authority and they demand a sign. Technically, they ask Him to perform a miracle. Jesus takes offense to the question, and rightly so. He goes on to answer their question with an illustration about Jonah.

The city of Nineveh was known as a treacherous place of pagan worship. After Jonah’s encounter with the whale, he eventually lands there to preach a message of repentance to the people. Incredibly, they repent. Although being pagans, they listen to the prophet Jonah and decide to change their ways. Then Jesus goes right into another analogy using Solomon from this chapter in 2 Chronicles.

“The Queen of the South will rise up with this generation at the judgment and will condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, something greater than Solomon is here.”

Matthew 12:42 NASB

So if pagans can turn from their sin through a prophet and a wealthy Queen can travel 1500 miles to hear from a wise man, why can’t the Pharisees believe? Furthermore, why can’t they believe when Jesus in the flesh stands before them. Jesus was obviously greater than the prophet Jonah and wiser than King Solomon, yet, the Pharisees still demanded a sign.

Jesus has given an incredible and thought-provoking backdrop for the consideration of His authority. In the past, God used prophets and wise men (along with priests as well) to make His Kingdom known to all people. If something greater is now present, and if prophetic wisdom now stands before them in the flesh, then to what degree have they been blinded?

Interestingly, the only hint of a sign Jesus gives them also relates to the prophet Jonah. Just as Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a whale, so the Son of Man will spend 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth. (Mat 12:40)

In other words, the only sign needed is the death and resurrection. Let that sink in for a moment. It’s not historical evidence or extra-biblical documentation. It’s not apologetics or crazy signs and wonders. By the grace of God, He has given us those things as supplemental assurance. However, the only truly convincing sign is found in Jesus’ death and resurrection. It’s the only one Jesus cared about.

Today, I see Christians who try to cater to the unbeliever with all different types of convincing “signs.” The skeptical world looks at us and demands a sign and we scramble around to try and give them the right answer. The truth is that their answer is right in front of them. It’s foundational Biblical truth. It’s the cornerstone of our faith. It’s found in Jesus alone.

Published by
Living Hope Missionary Church

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