What I love about this chapter is that Samuel had not yet experienced the voice or guidance of the Lord. His mind had not yet been renewed to spiritual things. However, when the Lord called, he responded, because he was obedient. His obedience was obvious even in his repetitive attempts to go to Eli, as he went every single time he thought that he heard him calling. This was crucial in God’s plan for Samuel. God needed an obedient prophet to speak during these dark times.
Are we this observant of the ways the Lord is leading us in our own lives?
Some scholars believe Samuel was only 12 years old when this word came to him. He may have responded like a deer in headlights. The next day, Eli wanted to know what God was planning. Again, the obedience factor plays in as Eli asks Samuel not to hold anything back from him. It’s probably safe to assume that Samuel was not super excited about the judgment which was coming. Who would be? But he does as he is asked and tells Eli everything. Eli then encourages him to follow through. This is critical.
Once again, obedience.
Eli knows that at this age, Samuel may not be confident enough to deliver such a message. So, he encourages him to tell others. This was Samuel’s calling and his gift. This was what God had prepared for him. The work God had started in Samuel was carried out to completion. However, within that work, there was teachability, cooperation, and yes, obedience.
Are we this observant of the ways the Lord is leading us in our own lives?