1 Samuel 15 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
Do what you want, and ask for forgiveness later. If God is full of love, and He always forgives, then I can just follow my heart and apologize on the way. Do you know anyone like this?
There is so much we could unpack here in 1 Samuel 15. Saul cuts corners and blatantly disobeys. God removes His hand. Samuel stays up all night praying in agony. The choices we make when we disobey have severe ramifications. Saul is clueless to the collateral damage he has caused. In fact, he actually believes he has obeyed God!
“But I did obey the LORD!” Saul answered. “I went on the mission the LORD gave me: I brought back Agag, king of Amalek, and I completely destroyed the Amalekites.
1 Samuel 15:20 HCSB
Saul was under the impression that if he just went through the motions, God would be pleased. The reason God set up animal sacrifice was because of disobedience. Saul seems to think that he can make foolish choices and then cover them with these sacrifices. Samuel sets him straight.
Then Samuel said: Does the LORD take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention is better than the fat of rams.
1 Samuel 15:22 HCSB
The purpose of the Gospel is to live with renewed Kingdom strength. This means setting aside disobedience and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth. Unfortunately for Saul, he never got it.
“Saul’s response was very unsatisfactory. He began by laying the blame on the people, 1Sa 15:21. He pretended that the object of sparing the cattle, etc., was to sacrifice them to God-a very hypocritical excuse, 1Sa 15:22. Without any deep consciousness of sin, he lightly professed sorrow, and hoped to pacify Samuel by asking that they might kneel together in worship, 1Sa 15:25. When the old prophet refused to let him off so easily, the only thing that Saul cared for was that the elders should still honor him, 1Sa 15:30. How hardened Saul had become! This was the beginning of the sin unto death.”
F.B. Meyer