1 Corinthians 3

1 Corinthians 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

1 Corinthians 3 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

I want to focus on the beginning of this chapter where Paul addresses his brethren as being carnal. This term really just means someone who is dominated by the flesh. There is a hot debate in Christian circles as to if a carnal Christian even exists, or rather, if it’s a contradiction. My first response is to look at how Paul addresses them as brethren and also “babes in Christ.” Clearly, he is indicating they are indwelt of the Spirit but still, in many areas of their life, a slave to the flesh.

This does not mean that they don’t experience a changed heart and a fruitful life. It just means they struggle more greatly with the flesh than a mature believer. Oftentimes, when we progress in our walk, we tend to look back and expect people to be on our same level. There is definitely something to be said about accountability and the pursuit of holiness, but we all know that babies need milk.

At some point, babies grow into toddlers, and on and on into adulthood where they are expected to exhibit a maturity from their growth. It is no different with spiritual things. How did Paul respond to an immature believer? He fed them milk until the time they were ready for solid food. Is this how you respond to immature believers?

Likewise, if you are addicted to junk food, you know that when presented with real, nourishing healthy food, your taste buds are turned off. Spiritually speaking, this happens all the time. And for those who have had their taste buds transformed, you know that it takes time. Patience is such a key for seeing a babe in faith turn into a mature follower.

We need to remember that as believers we all were babies who could only handle milk at one time. Someone came along to nourish us, show us patience, and wait for the right opportunity to present us with healthy, solid food.  We need to be doing the same for others in their spiritual lives.

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