“The LORD made the whole nation stand in awe of Solomon, and he made him more glorious than any other king that had ruled Israel.”
1 Chronicles 29:25 GNB
If you read my post from yesterday, you know that Solomon had a major downfall. He loved foreign women and it would become his Achilles heel. However, in this passage, we read that God allowed for him to be more majestic than any king before him. Granted, that was only 2 men (David and Saul). However, there is much more to this statement than just divine favor.
The wise reader will understand the context of Israel’s history. A big reason for Solomon’s success was due to David’s faithful service and continued prayers. Not only did David work to provide for his son Solomon but he set the tone for the entire nation to follow God’s heart. Solomon could step in knowing that the table had been set.
We’ve discussed legacy before in this book, but it really does speak volumes about David’s leadership. Are we setting up our children for the same kind of future? I am not talking about a material future, but a spiritual one. Of course, we cannot change their hearts. Only God can do that through His Spirit. But we can provide an environment in which growth is possible. I wonder, are we really doing that to the full measure that God has asked? Are we going the extra mile just as David did?
I don’t believe David did it exclusively for Solomon. I believe he did it because it pleased God. This should always be our first priority.
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