1 Chronicles 20

1 Chronicles 20

1 Chronicles 20 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

“In the spring of the year…”

Great military conquests were routinely conducted in the springtime. Most often, it would be late spring, when the rains had subsided and the dry warmth of summer was nearing. Another key reason for the springtime attacks involved the harvest. The barley and wheat would be far enough along that men of military age would be free to go out to battle.

After the conquest of Syria, Joab turned his full attention to the Ammonites. The city of Rabbah would be next on their list. We read that David stayed in Jerusalem, a choice many have argued was a mistake.  It would be during this time he would fall to adultery with Bathsheba. With everything going so well in Israel, what happened?

I recently read a study of sports fans that concluded the closer you feel affiliated with a group, the more moral leniency you are willing to allow. I don’t know if this happened to David, but it’s certainly possible. He was at the height of his legacy during a time when God was allowing Israel to conquer all of their enemies. It was as if Israel could do no wrong… until this.

Unfortunately, the same is true for us. I know for me, when things are going great, I tend to become more comfortable and complacent. I let things slide more and rely on myself. When things get rough, I go running back to God. It’s a reality check. Maybe this is exactly what David needed?

We must continually be reminded not to take our blessings for granted. We also must be continually reminded that God is concerned with our growth, not our comfort. During times of great blessing, be thankful because those blessings only come from God. During great times of struggle, be thankful, because that struggle will break you down and build you back up to be used by Jesus.

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